JASIS Hot Topics Seminar

For each topic, such as advanced materials, life science, and environment, experts and specialists will give useful lectures.

【Venue】 : Convention Halls A, B and International Conference Room, International Conference Hall in Makuhari Messe

■How to Attend

  • 1.Please register for the seminar after pre-registering for JASIS.
  • 2. Please print out the e-mail you will receive after registration and your JASIS admission card, and bring them to the seminar venue.
  • 3. Admission will be available 15 minutes prior to the start of the seminar.
    • NOTE
    • ・Please do not come to the seminar venue until 15 minutes before the seminar starts.
    • ・If the venue is full, you will not be allowed to enter.


















International conference room

Life Science JSPS
International conference room

Hall A

International conference room




Sep.6(Wed.) 10:30~12:00Hall A

Latest Trends in Plastics Recycling and Instrumental Analysis

Carbon neutrality and circular economy through plastic recycling

Tohoku University
Graduate School of Environmental Studies/ Professor

Shifting to carbon neutrality and a circular economy has become an important international initiative. In this lecture, expectations and possibilities for realizing carbon neutrality and circular economy through plastic recycling are emphasized.

Toshiaki Yoshioka

Toshiaki Yoshioka

The role of instrumental analysis in plastic recycling

Tohoku University
Graduate School of Environmental Studies・Assistant Professor

This presentation will explain the role of instrumental analysis in plastic recycling. Especially the importance of instrumental analysis in developing feedstock recycling processes through pyrolysis will be highlighted.

Shogo Kumagai

Shogo Kumagai


Sep.6(Wed.) 13:00~14:30Hall A

The Polymer Challenge -
Achieving a Circular Economy through Reducing Weight

Slide-Ring Materials for Circular Economy

The University of Tokyo/Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Professor

The circular economy of plastics has recently become a global issue of discussion. The Slide-Ring Materials with freely movable cross-links are considered one of the key technologies for realizing the circular economy of plastics, as they are remarkably effective in toughening plastics, rubbers, and gels.

Kohzo Ito

Kohzo Ito

Polyrotaxane blend toughened by movable crosslinked structure

Toray Industries, Inc./Chemicals Research Laboratories / Chief Research Associate

  • Sadayuki Kobayashi

We recently developed a new polyamide polymer blend combining with polyrotaxane which is a typical supramolecular polymer. Generally, in crystalline polymer like polyamide the applied force usually concentrates on the weakest part of the polymer chain leading to failure. The movable crosslinked structure in polyrotaxane provides a pulley movement which prevent the stress concentration. The polymer blend which includes the movable crosslinked structures shows remarkable improvements of ductility and energy absorbance in higher speed impact fracture testing. To demonstrate the enhanced mechanical property, the high-speed impact testing was performed using mold pieces. The blend mold piece showed high stiffness before impact, but it absorbed huge impact energy and were deformed like rubber.

Sadayuki Kobayashi

Sadayuki Kobayashi


Sep.6(Wed.) 15:00~16:30Hall A

Latest Trends in Membrane Separation Technologies Contributing to Carbon Recycling

Outlook for the Membrane-based CO2 Separation

Yamaguchi University
Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation/Professor Emeritus

This lecture presents the fundamentals of CO2 separation and capture and discusses the recent progress of membrane materials in polymeric membranes and microporous inorganic membranes such as zeolite membranes and carbon membranes.

Kita Hidetoshi

Kita Hidetoshi

Recent Trends of R&D of CO2 membrane separation technologies for CCUS

Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE)
Senior Researcher Chemical Research Group

In recent years, CO2 Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) is paid attention to. CO2 membrane separation technologies, one of the key technologies as CO2 capture, are being developed. In this seminar, recent trends of R&D of CO2 separation membranes and development of molecular gate membranes will be presented.


Sep.6(Wed.) 10:30~12:00Hall B

JAIMA Seminar 1

Preparation of Solutions with confidence
- What we dissolve? How to dissolve it? -

Utsunomiya University
Faculty of Engineering/Professor

In this lecture, “concentration” is explained in terms of preparation of solutions. Especially, the term, “molar”, is explained on the basis of the concept of “mole”. Finally, some questions concerning with the preparation of solutions with some examples are also explained.

Nobuo Uehara

Nobuo Uehara

Measurement reliability in instrumental analysis

Meisei University
Graduate School of Science and Engineering / Professor

With the widespread use of analytical instruments, their handling has become important in all analytical techniques. Analysts are responsible for understanding the meaning of the numbers output by the instrument and for evaluating their reliability. In this lecture, I will explain how to handle the analytical instruments and to grasp the meaning of the numerical values, then show the basics for proper processing of the measured values and reporting them as analytical results.

Uemoto Michihisa

Uemoto Michihisa


Sep.6(Wed.) 13:00~14:30Hall B

Supply and Demand of Helium and Alternative Technologies

Environmental analysis and shot supply of helium

National Institute for Environmental Studies
Fellow, Planning Division

Recent shortage of helium gas supply gives significant impact on the environmental analysis, as variety of methods rely on the use of helium gas. Substitutions to alternate gas will be important to cope with current difficulties, but also to establish more sustainable approach not relying on the limited helium resources. The lecture will introduce current status of discussion on the issue.

Suzuki Noriyuki

Suzuki Noriyuki

Global supply and demand of helium and prospects for procurement in Japan


We will explain the causes of helium procurement difficulties in recent years, future procurement prospects, and responses to both supply and demand from the perspective of an industry magazine that has covered industrial helium market trends for many years.




Sep.6(Wed.) 15:00~16:30Hall B

JAIMA Seminar 2

Introductory Lectures on “Measurement Uncertainty”

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Leader Research Group on Data Science for Metrology, Research Institute for Engineering Measurement, National Metrology Institute of Japan

This lecture explains the basic uncertainty evaluation method for the person who have few knowledge about measurement uncertainty. The target of the lecture is the beginners of measurement uncertainty, newcomers of the measurement companies, and the person who have to teach uncertainty to others in the workplace are also encouraged to this lecture.

TANAKA Hideyuki

TANAKA Hideyuki

Life Science

Sep.6(Wed.) 10:30~12:30International conference room

Japan Pharmacopoeia Seminar

Recent topics on Japanese Pharmacopoeia

National Institute of Health Sciences
Deputy Director General

The 18th Edition Supplement I of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia was issued in December 2022, and the Draft Review Committee is currently discussing for the second supplement to the 18th revision of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia, as well as the 19th revision. English translations of the 18th revision of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia First Supplement are also in progress. This presentation will provide an overview of these recent activities and perspectives on these future editions.

Yoshiro Saito

Yoshiro Saito

Revision of physicochemical tests in JP for drug quality control

Kitasato University
School of Pharmacy/ Professor

The G-20 Chromatography was harmonized in the Pharmacopoeial Discussion Group(PDG). In this talk, the points of the harmonized test and its related tests are outlined. The draft tests which will be official on the Supplementary II to JP18 are also introduced.

Kumiko Sakai-Kato

Kumiko Sakai-Kato

New General Information "Powder Flowability Measurement by Shear Cell Method<G2-5-181>

Hoshi University/School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hoshi University, Professor

The shear cell method of powder flowability measurement is a test method to measure the shear stress of a consolidated powder sample as it transitions from an unfluid state to a fluid state. In this presentation, the meaning of the powder physical property parameters obtained, points to be considered during the measurement, and applications to formulation design will be explained.

Etsuo Yonemochi

Etsuo Yonemochi


Sep.6(Wed.) 13:00~16:30International conference room

1st Public Lecture of JSPS R053 Committee on Collaboration Platform of Design, Measurement and Analysis
Current status and future prospects of the development of the common measurement data format: What has the 193 Committee for the Measurement Platform achieved and how to utilize them?

Part 1  Current status of the development of the common measurement data format

A common data format development plan: aiming to drive the measurement DX


  • Tomoo SIGEHUZI

Features of common format, MaiML, and how to implement data transformation

Kyushu Institute of Technology

  • Takuo Yasunaga
Takuo Yasunaga
Takuo Yasunaga

Validation of MaiML Data File Structure with Schema Check Tool


  • Kenji Takasugi, Kazuhiro Nakano
Kenji Takasugi
Kenji Takasugi
Kazuhiro Nakano
Kazuhiro Nakano

Leveraging common data formats broadens the vision of integrated data analysis with MI platforms.

Shimadzu Corporation

  • Satoshi Yamamoto
Satoshi Yamamoto
Satoshi Yamamoto

Future prospects and challenges in a common data format for laboratory DX

The University of Tokyo

  • Shigeru Kobayashi, Taro Hitosugi
Shigeru Kobayashi
Shigeru Kobayashi
Taro Hitosugi
Taro Hitosugi

Prospects for Utilization of Common Data Formats from the Viewpoint of the Materials Industry

Asahi-Kasei Corporation

  • Takaharu Nagatomi
Takaharu Nagatomi
Takaharu Nagatomi

Part 2 From the common measurement data format to the Measurement Data Passports

Objectives of the JSPS R053 Committee on Collaboratiion Platform of Design, Measurement, and Analysis.


  • Toshiyuki FUJIMOTO
Toshiyuki FUJIMOTO
Toshiyuki FUJIMOTO

SMART standards and international standardization strategies for the true DX


  • Koji Demachi
Koji Demachi
Koji Demachi

Life Science

Sep.7(Thu.) 10:30~12:30Hall A

The 20th Anniversary Special Program of the Completion of the Human Genome "Learning from the passion of our pioneers, Challenging the current issues , and Shaping up our future"

Thirty years from the Human Genome Project : Revolution of medicine, life sciences and biotechnology

The University of Tokyo
Emeritus Professor

Revolutionary progress of medicine, life sciences and biotechnology for these 30years from the Human Genome Project will be discussed from three viewpoints: 1)the pioneering challenge of the Human Genome Project, 2)Dramatic progress of medicine and life sciences based on the solid bases of the Human Genome 3)Emerging biotechnologies towards the future of mankind.

Yoshiyuki Sakaki

Yoshiyuki Sakaki

Development of DNA related technologies
------- From DNA sequencers to single-cell and tissue analyses ------

Frontier Bio-Systems Inc. President, Hitachi Ltd. Honorary Fellow

I have been engaged in developing DNA-related technologies since 1980s. They included capillary array DNA sequencers which contributed greatly to the completion of the Human Genome Project. Then I started to develop technologies for analyzing individual cells as well as tissues site specifically which will be also presented in the talk.

Hideki Kambara

Hideki Kambara

Why Japan failed to develop “Next Generation Sequencers”

Future Medicine Education and Research Organization at Chiba University/Professor

The finish of human genome sequence in 2003 was achieved by using ABI sequencers. It is well known that the technologies developed in Japan played a key role within these sequencers. In contrast, Japan played little role in the development of “Next Generation Sequencers” that revolutionized the through put and started the genomization of medical field. I would like to discuss some aspects that brought in this difference.

Sumio Sugano

Sumio Sugano

General Moderator

President & CEO

  • Hisashi Iwase

Life Science

Sep.7(Thu.) 13:00~14:30Hall A

Global Challenges for Unexplored Analytical Technologies to Accelerate Life Science Research

Introduction – The Importance of Analytical Instruments in Biotechnology Research

Hiroshima University
Graduate School of Integrated Sciences of Life

In the research and development of biotechnology, which is developing remarkably, the use of cutting-edge analytical techniques and instruments is essential. Here, I would like to talk about the purpose of this seminar and the importance of collaboration between biotechnology researchers and analytical instrument developers to accelerate cutting-edge research and development.



Techniques for single-cell manipulation for transcriptomics of rare cells

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Institute of Engineering/Professor

The human body is composed of approximately 60 trillion cells that have been repeatedly divided and differentiated from a single fertilized egg. Among these cells, cancerous and aged cells often emerge and cause diseases. Heterogeneity occurs even in such cell assemblies that have essentially identical genomes, and analysis at the single-cell level is essential to understand this heterogeneity. In this seminar, we will outline the technology to isolate such rare cells from living organisms and perform transcriptome analysis of single cells. In addition, the application of this technology to cancer diagnosis and basic cancer research will be introduced.



Development of supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography system for advanced metabolite analysis

Kyushu University
Medical Institute of Bioregulation / Professor

Our group has been trying to develop various supercritical fluid extraction and separation technologies to effectively apply the unique properties of supercritical fluids to metabolome analysis. In this presentation, I will introduce the development of SFE-SFC-MS system with Shimadzu Corporation, and share with you the potential of supercritical fluid extraction and separation technology as a useful analytical tool for metabolic profiling.

Takeshi Bamba

Takeshi Bamba

Generation of hypothesis from metabolomics data

Osaka University
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Professor

In metabolomics using mass spectrometry, generation of hypotheses regarding the underlying molecular mechanisms from a list of metabolites in addition to data processing such as peak picking and data visualization. This talk will introduce the current status and future prospects of technologies for metabolomics-based hypotheses generation.

Fumio Matsuda

Fumio Matsuda

General Discussion / Guests

President & CEO

  • Hisashi Iwase

Life Science

Sep.7(Thu.) 15:00~16:30Hall A

The Dawn of a New Era of Drug Discovery by Unexplored Analytical Technologies

Prospects for Future Drug Discovery Pioneered by Unexplored Measurement Science

Tohoku Techno Arch Co.Ltd
Assistant to President for Industry-Academia Collaboration Strategy

The development of numerous unexplored measurement technologies such as cryo-EM and NanoTerasu is expanding the possibilities of multimodal drug discovery based on new molecular structures against undruggable targets. In this session, we will introduce the trends and possibilities of such future drug discovery, focusing on next-generation nucleic acids, PROTAC, and others.

Yasuhisa Nemoto

Yasuhisa Nemoto

Prospects for a Next Generation of Nucleic Acid Medicines with RNase H Mediated Efficient Catalytic Targeted RNA Cleavage Function Installed in Artificial Nucleic Acid Medicines

Tohoku University/Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials (IMRAM)/Professor

In general, the uptake concentration of nucleic acid medicines into cells has been reported to be very low, and the unsatisfactory pharmaceutical effects of nucleic acid medicines mainly originated by the low concentration have been pointed out as one of the most critical issues to be improved. The RNase H mediated catalytic RNA selective digestion strategy has attracted attention, but the improvement in efficacy has been limited due to low catalytic turnover. We have succeeded in dramatically increasing the turnover number of catalytic target RNA digestion by site-specific digestion of target RNA using our proposed chimeric artificial nucleic acid medicines as next-generation nucleic acid medicines and successfully demonstrated effective nucleic acid medicines effects even at low concentrations. This strategy is expected to be applied to next-generation nucleic acid medicines targeting intracellular molecular RNA, proteins, and DNA, which are not druggable, in the future.

Takehiko WADA

Takehiko WADA

Prospects for PROTAC that Makes Undruggable Molecules Druggable

Tohoku University/Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Professor

PROTAC is attracting attention as an innovative drug discovery modality that skillfully "hijacks" the ubiquitin-proteasome proteasome proteolytic system and enables drug discovery for intracellular disease-related proteins, which was previously considered impossible. In this talk, I will introduce the prospects of PROTAC molecules from the perspective of a chemist in charge of their design and synthesis.

Iwabuchi Yoshiharu

Iwabuchi Yoshiharu

Targeted Protein Degradation: Developing the Future of Drug Discovery

Astellas Pharma Inc./Vice President, Head of Targeted Protein Degradation

Targeted protein degradation (TPD) is driving a paradigm shift in chemical-based drug discovery. As the forefront of TPD application, this presentation will introduce Astellas’ research activities and its future directions, including its efforts to target Kras G12D, a historical undruggable in the field of oncology.

Masahiko Hayakawa

Masahiko Hayakawa


Sep.7(Thu.) 10:30~12:00Hall B

Low-carbonization of the Energy Industry and Development of Material Technologies to support it

Current Status and Future Issues of the Energy Industry

The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
Senior Research Fellow, Electricity Power Industry & New and Renewable Energy Unit

Introduces the current situation and challenges for low-carbon energy industries, focusing on the electric power industry. The electricity industry is facing problems of supply shortages due to liberalization and rising electricity prices due to high energy prices. In addition, technological development for the utilization of hydrogen and ammonia and the utilization of distributed supply capacity is an issue for low-carbonization.

Ogasawara Junichi

Ogasawara Junichi

Research and Development of Magnetic Refrigeration Materials for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Liquefaction

National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Hydrogen Related Materials Group, Center for Green Research on Energy and Environmental Materials/ NIMS Special Researcher

We are developing a high-efficiency magnetic refrigeration system to reduce the cost of liquid hydrogen and achieve zero boil-off of liquefied hydrogen by magnetic refrigeration. One of the most important factors in the development of magnetic refrigeration systems is the development of magnetic refrigeration materials that exhibit large changes in magnetic entropy. In this talk, I will give an overview of our R&D project and present recent results of neutron scattering studies on candidate materials showing giant magnetocaloric effects.




Sep.7(Thu.) 13:00~14:30Hall B

Corporate Collaboration Activities for Recycling Used Plastics

R Plus Japan Ltd.
Chief Executive Officer

With regard to the processing of used plastics, which is a social issue, we support the development of highly efficient chemical recycling technology promoted by Anellotech,Inc., a US biochemical venture company, through collaboration with 40 companies. In addition to an overview of our core technology, we will introduce our activities to realize a recycling society, such as creating an efficient resource recovery system.

Tsunehiko Yokoi

Tsunehiko Yokoi


Sep.7(Thu.)15:00~16:30Hall B

Bringing More Delicious Rice to Your Table

Eating quality of rice and its evaluation

Niigata University of Pharmacy and Medical and Life Sciences
Faculty of Applied Life Sciences/Professor

Introduction of rice palatability and its evaluation method. Concretely, measurement of protein content and microstructure of starch, assay of various enzyme activities, measurement of pasting properties, measurements of tasty components and textural properties, etc. Using those data as explanatory variables, we estimate rice palatability.

Ken’ichi Ohtsubo

Ken’ichi Ohtsubo

Analysis of Rice Cooking Evaluation and Proposals by Business Category

ITOCHU Food Sales and Marketing Co.Ltd/Rice Sales Dept. Rice Support Sec.

The condition of cooking rice required varies depending on the type of business.How to quantify the conditions required by customers is an eternal theme for us distributors of rice. We make full use of inspection equipment to create inspection methods that meet customer requirements. We will continue to search for inspection methods that meet the wishes of our customers and conduct inspections that will make our customers happy.




Sep.8(Fri.)10:30~12:00Hall A

Robotics and AI Accelerates Remote Automated Life Science

Robotic Biology Institute Inc./Director

Corona virus spread has migrated us to new normal lifestyle including remote-work. In this presentation, I will propose that remote automated life science using humanoid robots/AI. This concept would be a strong system that guarantees and validates our experiments to be innately reproducible and transferable, realizing Bio-DX (Digital Transformation) to accelerate life science research.

Toru Natsume

Toru Natsume


Sep.8(Fri.)13:00~14:30Hall A

Cutting-edge Digital Transformation in Chemical Industry R&D

Digital Transformation in R&D using Lab Experiment Automation and Materials Informatics

Asahi Kasei Corporation
R&D Digital Transformation Dept. Informatics Initiative Digital Value Co-Creation / General Manager

Recently, Materials Informatics (MI) has attracted much attention as a data-driven method to accelerate materials development. In this presentation, as part of the challenge of exploring innovative materials, an overview of our efforts to combine MI with technologies such as experimental automation, simplified measurements and materials simulation will be introduced.

Yutaka Natsume

Yutaka Natsume

Digitalization and Automation to Accelerate R&D

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Science & Innovation Center, Materials Design Laboratory / Senior Scientist

Mitsubishi Chemical has introduced automated experimental facilities and high-performance computers to accelerate R&D through digitalization and automation. In this talk, we will introduce a PoC on the autonomous high-speed catalytic reaction development carried out in collaboration with AIST. After outlining the challenges and solutions faced in using the automated equipment and ETL of data from experimental instruments, the current results and future prospects of using high-throughput equipment and Bayesian optimization will be presented in detail.

Yusuke Tanabe

Yusuke Tanabe


Sep.8(Fri.)15:00~16:30Hall A【with simultaneous interpretation】

LADS OPC UA – The “Common Language” for Laboratory- & Analytical Devices

SPECTARIS, LADS OPC UA Joint Working Group/Technical Lead

Currently, integrating laboratory and analytical instruments into information networks is a challenge. These instruments often use vendor specific communication protocols, which hinders the digitalization of the laboratory and analytical domain.
Fortunately, a solution is on the horizon. The LADS OPC UA companion specification is set to be published in autumn 2023. It aims to simplify the integration of laboratory and analytical devices into the laboratory workflow. It addresses important use-cases such as remote monitoring and control, workflow orchestration, results management, and service and asset management. By enabling digitalization and automation, LADS will overcome the existing barriers.
One of the main challenges in designing a communication specification for laboratory and analytical devices is the variety of instrument types. To tackle this challenge, LADS adopts various design principles, such as device type agnostic modeling.
LADS builds on OPC UA, the secure and widely accepted industrial operability standard. It will be published as an official OPC UA Companion Specification, ensuring compatibility and interoperability.
During the presentation, there will be examples showcasing the integration of laboratory and analytical instruments with collaborative or mobile robots, using the diverse OPC UA ecosystem. This demonstrates how the power of LADS OPC UA can be unleashed for laboratory automation and efficiency improvements.

Dr. Matthias Arnold

Dr. Matthias Arnold


Sep.8(Fri.)10:30~12:00Hall B【with simultaneous interpretation】

Analysis of Environmental Contaminants

Characteristics and Health Risks of Ambient Nanoparticles

Kanazawa University
Faculty of Geoscience and Civil Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering / Project Professor, Professor Emeritus

Characteristics and health risks of ambient aerosol nanoparticles will be introduced along with methodologies for measurement, their status and behaviors particularly in Southeast Asia, health risks and recent issues



Toxicity identification and evaluation of AhR and ER agonists in urban ambient particulate matter from Hanoi, Vietnam

Vietnam National University

AhR ligand activities (CALUX-BaPEQs) in crude extract of ambient particulate matter were found significant higher for PM2.5 (269 to 612, mean 488 ng/m3) than for PM2.5-10 (6 to 42, mean 28 ng/m3), and for PM>10 (6 to 8, mean 7 ng/m3). Total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were found at higher level in PM2.5 (172 to 580, mean 354 ng/m3) than in PM2.5-10 (9 to 23, mean 14 ng/m3 dw) and PM>10 (1.6 to 8, mean 5 ng/m3). The methylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (MePAHs), more persistent and toxic than their parent, were also found in ambient particulate matter at higher level in PM2.5 (26 to 70, mean 44 ng/m3) and lower level in PM2.5-10 (1 to 4, mean 2 ng/m3) and PM>10 (0.5 to 2, mean 1 ng/m3). Theo-BaPEQs in ambient particulate matter counted for PM2.5 at 45%, PM2.5-10 at 38% and PM>10 at 36%. The results indicated that BbkF are major agonist contributor to Theo-BaPEQs in fine particles. In addition, the proposition of CALUX-BaPEQs, total PAHs, total MePAHs and theo-BaPEQs/MEQs/CEQs indicating that fine particles can potentially pose the highest level of chemical components as well as toxic activities compared to coarse particles. The strong correlation between AhR ligand activities and mutagenic as well as carcinogenic potencies (Pearson’s ρ = 0.97 and 0.99, p < 0.001), indicated that the higher AhR ligand activities in ambient particulate matter suggested the higher mutagenic and carcinogenic potencies. Estimated results of incremental life time cancer risk (ILCR) showed greater than the acceptable level of 10-6 via ingestion, dermal contract pathways. Indicating that local residents face to high potential risks of cancer when they frequently exposure to ambient particulate matter in this region.
Keywords: CALUX-BaPEQs, PAHs, MePAHs, Theo-BaPEQs, Hanoi.

Professor Le Huu Tuyen

Le Huu Tuyen

Stable isotope analysis in risk assessment of heavy metal

Toyo University
Faculty of Life Sciences, Professor

Re-assessment of health risk has been carried out for heavy metals, e.g., lead, arsenic, or cadmium, by Food Safety Commission, Japan. Stable isotope analysis can provide with valuable information not only for exposure assessment, an essential component of risk assessment, but also for the subsequent risk management. I will introduce case of lead (Pb) exposure assessment with stable isotope information.

Yoshinaga Jun

Yoshinaga Jun


Sep.8(Fri.)13:00~14:30Hall B

The Latest Trends in Chemical Substance Regulations around the World

Update on the Stockholm Convention

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan
Chemical Management Policy Division, Manufacturing Industries Bureau/Technical Expert

"Overview of the Stockholm Convention (POPs Convention)
-Annex-A Additional Substances
-Substances in the process of preparing a risk management assessment report"



PFAS regulatory status in US and Europe

Chemours-Mitsui Fluoroproducts Co., Ltd.
Manager-Environmental Advocacy

1)What is PFAS
2)EU PFAS Restriction Dossier & UK's RMOA
3)US PFAS Roadmap & PFAS restriction by States
4)Next step

Ishikawa Junichi

Ishikawa Junichi

Trends in European environmental regulations (focusing on REACH/RoHS/ecodesign)

Japan Business Council in Japan
Policy Manager

European legislation that influences global legislation. I will explain how EU is proceeding with REACH/RoHS/ecodesign.




Sep.8(Fri.)15:00~16:30Hall B【with simultaneous interpretation】

Contamination Analysis of Plastics

Airborne Microplastics and Health Impact (AMΦ project)

Waseda University
School of Creative Science and Engineering

Airborne microplastics (AMPs) have been identified not only as a global pollution pathway but also as an important pathway for human ingestion. In this presentation, we will introduce our findings on development of AMPs sampling, pretreatment, and identification methods, clarification of their actual conditions in Japan and abroad, and health effects, which we have been working on under the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund.

Hiroshi Okochi

Hiroshi Okochi

Biodegradation plastic testing in marine and quantifying microplastic in beach sand from Andaman Sea and Gulf of Thailand

TISTR Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research

  • Dr. Anchana Pattanasupong
  • Profile

1. Introduction
2. Biodegradable testing center, TISTR
3. Biodegradation of plastic in marine
4. Microplastics in beach sand of Thailand

Dr. Anchana Pattanasupong

Dr. Anchana Pattanasupong

Microplastics: proofs of exposure and hypotheses of danger

Polytechnic University of the Marche (Ancona, Italy)

  • Dr. Valentina Notarstefano
  • Profile

Microplastics are new emerging contaminants on human health. This seminar will make a brief journey among the information nowadays available about the exposure and effects of microplastics on human health. First, a brief introduction will describe microplastics together with their nature, composition and the sources of exposure, potentially harmful for animal and human health. Then, the focus will move on what happens once microplastics are internalized in the organisms, both animal and human; at this purpose, some of the evidence available in literature about microplastics contamination of human tissues and body districts will be reported. Finally, the harmful effects determined by microplastics will be described by using some studies performed on animals or human cells.

Dr. Valentina Notarstefano

Dr. Valentina Notarstefano

RSC-TIC 2023

Sep.7(Thu.) 9:30-17:30 / Sep.8(Fri.)9:30-17:15International conference room

"Data Processing and the Use of Smartphones for Analytical Chemistry"

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and JAPAN  Analytical Instruments Manufacturers’ Association (JAIMA) jointly organize the RSC-TIC (Royal Society of Chemistry-Tokyo International Conference)during JASIS 2023  , one of the biggest exhibitions of analytical and scientific instruments in Asia.
The RSC-TIC 2023 focuses on " Data Processing and the Use of Smartphones for Analytical Chemistry" as the main topic. For poster presentations, however, we welcome contributions from any area of analytical sciences and technologies as in previous years.

RSC-TIC Organizers

Hideaki Hisamoto (RSC Analyst Associate Editor, Osaka Metropolitan University)

Daniel Citterio (RSC Fellow, Keio University)

"Invited Lectures
The full list of invited lecturers and detailed program will be announced upon confirmation. "


"Deep Learning-enabled Computational Microscopy and Sensing"

University of California,Los Angeles

  • Aydogan Ozcan

"Point-of-care Molecular Diagnostics on Smartphone"

Kyung Hee University

  • Tae Seok Seo

"Unleashing the Potential of Nanomaterials and Smartphones for the development of Biosensing Technology and Diagnostics"

Ege University

  • Suna Timur

"Smartphone Technologies for Point-of-Care Diagnostics"

Imperial College London

  • Ali Yetisen

"Material based Induction of Neural Stem Cell Spheroid and the Application of Brain on a Chip"

National Tsing Hua University

  • I-Chi Lee

"Development of Microfluidic Biosensor with Smartphones and its Application in Rapid Detection of Foodborne Pathogens"

Beijing Technology and Business University

  • Ling Lin

"Paper-based optical chemosensor arrays"

The University of Tokyo

  • Tsuyoshi Minami

"Wearable sweat glucose sensor designed as a waist strap connected with a smartphone readout"

Chulalongkorn University

  • Nadnudda Rodthongkum
Aydogan Ozcan

Aydogan Ozcan
University of California Los Angeles

Tae Seok Seo

Tae Seok Seo
Kyung Hee University

Suna Timur

Suna Timur
Ege University

Ali Yetisen

Ali Yetisen
Imperial College

I-Chi Lee

I-Chi Lee
National Tsing Hua University

Antony Galea

Antony Galea
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

Ling Lin

Ling Lin
Beijing Technology and Business University

Nadnudda Rodthongkum

Nadnudda Rodthongkum
Chulalongkorn University

Tsuyoshi Minami

Tsuyoshi Minami
The University of Tokyo

RSC-TIC 2023 will be held within JASIS 2023, so please register for admission to JASIS 2023 in advance of your visit.
General attendees can attend with a JASIS 2023 admission card.
JASIS 2023 pre-registration website

For more information on the content of the event, please visit the following special RSC-TIC 2023 website